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Connecting to MyRio from Linux over USB

I would like to connect a MyRIO 1900 to a Linux machine running Ubuntu 18.04 (With kernel 4.15.0-72-generic) over USB. When I plug the USB cable into the computer it shows up as a network interface, which I am able to connect to by manually setting the IP address to and the netmask to (The MyRIO has an IP address of with a netmask of when connected to a windows machine). For some reason I cannot ping or ssh to

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Message 1 of 5

Hi there,

Did you turn on SSH on myRIO before shh-ing to it? If you haven't yet, try this - Accessing the Shell on NI Linux Real-Time Devices

LabVIEW based Robotics -
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Message 2 of 5

SSH is enabled. I am able to SSH into the myRIO from a Windows machine, but not from linux.

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Message 3 of 5

Right, you did mention that you can not even ping myRIO.


If you need to get network connection over USB exactly, you need to have CentOS, RedHat, SUSE OS instead of Ubuntu. But if you just need a network connection, you can try Wi-Fi connection of myRIO or insert USB-Ethernet converter into myRIO device to use as an alternative to USB connection. It can be as a workaround solution for you right now.


In order to get USB connection recognized correctly as network interface, I think, you have to have NI-RIO driver (2013 or newer) installed in your system, which is supported only under CentOS, RedHat, SUSE OSs - NI Linux Device Drivers.

LabVIEW based Robotics -
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Message 4 of 5

Hi there Robotics010,


We have a myRIO-1900 which we are trying to connect to from an ni linux rt PXI controller but have a similar problem where the myRIO-1900 shows up in NI MAX when connected to a windows host but cant be pinged when I connect it to our PXI controller running ni linux rt. It does create a new ethernet interface but for some reason I still cant ping the myRIO. I have tried setting the created interface to static as well as DHCP and DHCP/Local Link but still no joy.


Would you have any insight how to achieve this or if I am missing some driver? I haven't tried a USB to Ethernet converter to connect to the RT instead of direct USB yet but do you think this would solve the problem?


Thank you

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Message 5 of 5