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Control the rotational speed of a servo motor

I am working on a project where I have to control the rotational speed of shaft of the servo motor based on readings from MPU 6050. But I do not know how to control the speed of a servo motor. Please help me in coding how to control it.

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hey Prashanthrkubasad

i will answer this post, because it has more information than the other.


Can you share what you have tried? also it is important to describe a bit more your requisites, how the readings from MPU6050 will change the speed of the motor? is this servo a stepper with feedback? one of those sg90? maybe a brushless permanent magnet one with industrial driver?
what kind of control do you need? are you measunring tilting? vibration? rotation? does the direction matter? what is the relation between the motor, the shaft, the myrio and the MPU?

i can imagine many other questions, so please, describe what are you trying to do, and not how (it doesnt matter how, because if you are asking, it is not working "the how")

Jorge Augusto Pessatto Mondadori, PhD
Sistema Fiep
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