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How to calculate the PWM value of the stepper motor SIM wave

I am attempting to create a linear simulation vibration platform to test the response frequency of a seismometer. Therefore, I need an oscillation system based on a sine wave. This means that the platform should be able to simulate oscillation by providing the desired oscillation frequency and velocity. I am facing some difficulties. The parameters for the stepper motor are: 800 pulses per revolution, and the platform parameters indicate that the motor rotates one revolution to move 7.2cm. My LabVIEW loop speed is set to 1000Hz. How can I calculate the PWM value for each iteration of the loop? For example, if I want to perform a sinusoidal vibration at 10Hz and 20cm/s velocity. I am encountering difficulties and would appreciate your assistance. Thank . Note: DIR denotes the motor rotation direction, PUL represents the pulse signal, and ENA indicates whether the motor is enabled.  








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I want to do something like this

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You've attached no useful information.  The photograph of "something" is at a strange angle, and from fairly far away.  What does it show?  Are there (physical) wires in there?  Do you think we can "see how it is connected"?  [I certainly cannot see anything useful here].  Where is the (hardware) "wiring diagram"?


Pictures of LabVIEW code are a complete waste of my time.  You need to compress the LabVIEW Real-Time Project folder (right-click the folder, choose "Send to:", "Compressed (zipped) folder") and attach the resulting .zip file to your reply.


Bob Schor

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