Academic Hardware Products (myDAQ, myRIO)

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Matlab: analog audio input/output

Hello NI!


Im using the Data Acquistion Toolbox in Matlab for receiving analog data from myDAQ.

By now I have found no possibility to use the analog audio input/output.


'daq.getDevices' only gives me the two analog I/O ports, not the audio ones:


 'Analog input subsystem supports:
      -2.0 to +2.0 Volts,-10 to +10 Volts ranges
      Rates from 0.1 to 200000.0 scans/sec
      2 channels ('ai0','ai1')
      'Voltage' measurement type'


Is there a possibility to use the audio ports in Matlab?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

What kind of hardware do you have exactly? Do you have installed all drivers? How do you want to connect the Hardware in Matlab? Please post a screenshot or something else.


Kind regards

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Message 2 of 4

I have the "NI myDAQ Student Instrumentation Device". I have installed the newest versions and already worked with the "ELVISmx Instrument launcher" and with the "" with LabVIEW. Everything works fine.

Now I wanted to send music data to Matlab through the "Audio in" port of the myDAQ and receiving it with the "Data Acquisition Toolbox". Like I posted the toolbox doesnt recognize the audio ports.

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Message 3 of 4

Hello, you are right, there is 1 stereo audio input. The input type is line-in or microphone. The data acquistion toolbox, which should recognize the audio input, is from MathWorks. So I cannot say anything about that. Please contact the MathWorks Technical Support.


Thank you.

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Message 4 of 4