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Roborio unrecoverable error, COMM light off



I'm currently facing a problem with the RoboRIO I'm unable to fix. I heard there was a recovery file I may need from an NI employee, so this is my post asking for it. Here is my predicament:


The roborio2 was flashed via sd card (balena etcher) for first time and then worked great for a few days. No problems at all. I then ran a few tests with a certain function in the code, and periodically logged a message. This logging eventually caused the program to crash, and upon further boots the riolog said “.jar invalid” or something along the sort (don’t have exact log unfortunately, I'm an idiot and didn’t save). I tried power cycling, didn’t work. Then reflashed SD card again, and since then the rio hasn’t connected to driver station, and COMM light has remained off. I cannot connect via USB wire, wifi, or by reflashing/imaging via the imaging tool. I don't know what to do at this point and time is an urgency, so if anyone knows how to fix please do impart your knowledge, thank you!

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I recommend you get in touch with NI and send the RoboRio back to them for re-imaging.  Alternatively, find someone at your institution with the technical experience and know-how to handle the re-imaging task.


Bob Schor



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