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how can i maximize the vi's front panel window on cRIO startup? Can't see the whole program on startup

Hi everyone,


I am using NI cRIO9035. When i run my vi and when i build and run as startup on cRIO, I can't see the whole front panel on screen. Can anyone help me please?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hi Alper_Durgut,


Thanks for posting on the forums to get some help with your cRIO! In order for your fellow contributors here to help you out, we need a little more information. Can you post some screenshots of the VI or system in question? What do you mean when you say you "can't see the whole front panel"? Is the front panel just sized for a different resolution screen? I'm also curious, are you viewing the FP from a monitor connected to your RIO Controller? Or are you talking about viewing it on the host computer that is deploying the startup VI on the RIO?


Hopefully with a little more information we can get to the bottom of this issue!

Austin H.
Chief Product Manager
Test Software
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

I haven't worked with the cRIO embedded UI too much but can you just configure the VI properties (Control+I) to set run time size and position of the window? That's what I do for applications running on Windows and I would suspect that it would work on the cRIO.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hi ahillinaustin,

I mean about viewing it on host computer and also the cRIO screen.I solved the problem. I am working on projects with 14'' screen that's why i can't see the whole front panel on other screen. I use second screen on my laptop which is 20'' then i solved the problem. and also i researched about maximising the window from cRIO options. If you have also the same problem u will fix it like that.

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Message 4 of 5

Thank u so much for your help 😉

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Message 5 of 5