06-04-2014 12:32 PM
Dear friends,
Hi! Today when I want to put the Labview program into the NI myRIO board,I have always met the problem which I have attached a screenprint to this message.Is that problem of my code or because of the connection problem?Really in a hurry,please help me if you know the answer,thanks a lot!
06-04-2014 02:15 PM
Things I would check right of the bat would be:
1. Can you see the myRIO in MAX?
2. Do you have the IP Address set correctly in your project?
3. Do you have LabVIEW, LabVIEW Real-Time, LabVIEW FPGA (optional), and the NI-RIO driver installed? You can find this information in MAX.
The error seems to indicate that a connection can not be established to the myRIO and MAX is the easiest way to verify you have a connection established.
06-04-2014 04:56 PM
Thanks for your kind help!
However,I have loaded many programs in the myRIO FPGA before,and it works all the time.But today when I loaded a program which was downloaded online.after compilation,the error appears,and when I check the MAX,the myrio is connected.Can you help me check the code to find out the problem because I am in a hurry for this.
Really thanks!
06-04-2014 05:06 PM
I understand, but have you confirmed that the IP address in MAX matches the IP address in your myRIO project? If so, is there a bright green 'connected' symbol in your myRIO project? That will let you know if you are actually connected or not.I have circled this symbol in red below. If you are not connected, it will look like a dark green. If you aren't connected but the IP address is matches the address in MAX, right-click on the myRIO target and select 'Connect'.
06-04-2014 05:54 PM
Yes I have checked that it is working in the right way.What I am doing is to interface C with FPGA(which is programmed by Labview),but I have not installed the FPGA C interface API,is that possble the problem?
Really thanks for your help!
06-05-2014 09:42 AM
You need to have the FPGA Interface C API to communicate with the FPGA using C, yes. I have attached the 13.0 download below. If you are simply creating an FPGA VI and attempting to run it on the myRIO, however, you should be able to do so from the LabVIEW project by compiling the bitfile and hitting the run arrow on the FPGA VI -- this should be indpendent from using the C API to interface with it.
06-05-2014 10:49 AM
It would also be helpful if you could point to the example you downloaded online. We can then check to see if this was originally meant for a myRIO or not. Also, please explain in more detail the process that results in this error.
06-06-2014 03:55 PM
Really thanks for your kind help!I will attach the document I download to this message and if you have time,could you help me check if there exists anything I need to but I haven't done yet.
Meanwhile,I want to ask what you mean by last message is that if I want to run C program(in Eclipse) and interface with FPGA(because mainly I do is to run a C program and create some data and transfer the data to a Labview project),I need to install the C API in Labview,right?
Thanks again for your kind help,I am looking forward to your reply!
06-09-2014 10:00 AM
You are correct, you need the C API to communicate with the LabVIEW FPGA VI through C.
A couple things to look for is that this project was created for a cRIO-9068, not a myRIO; therefore, you need to add your myRIO target to the example project and drag the FPGA VI, RT VI, FIFOs, etc. to your myRIO target. Make sure the myRIOs IP address in MAX matches the IP address for the myRIO in the LabVIEW project.
You should then be able to compile the FPGA VI and run the RT VI interactively for communication. After doing the above, do you still see the original error? If so, is the error happening when you run the RT VI or when you run the FPGA VI?
06-17-2014 10:34 AM
Dear officer,
Really thanks for your help! I am offline for a while and now I am back on my project.When I use the FPGA C interface generator,it asks me to load some FPGA bitfile,but when I click on the corresponding bitfile in this project(i.e.the NiFpga_FPGA.lvbitx),it comes up with an error -63101.indicates the version of my software?Is that a normal problem and how should I solve this?
Really thanks again!