05-14-2010 04:57 AM
I am trying to replicate in LabView a function which our other CCP tool (Vector CANape) does. Our product has variable internal software, and therefore variable databases. The method has been described to me as:
CANape Product
1) CCP connect Product responds with success or failure
2) Exchange ID Product sets its pointer to the software build ID and returns the length of the SW build ID
3) Short upload Product transmits as many bytes as can fit into a short upload
4) repeat short upload until you have enough bytes.
The received SW build ID then acts as a reference to the database to load.
How do I establish a CCP session for this without first loading a database?
I have LabView 8.6 RT, with ECU MC Toolkit 2.1.2
05-14-2010 12:47 PM
for a first try check att. VI, it sets all needed params manualy and does not require a A2L db file
adjust all communication params as needed for your specific ECU.
(like Baudrate, DTO, CRO, Seedkey DLLs, ... )
05-17-2010 09:15 AM
Thanks for the reply. I will give it a try next time I have access to the machine, and let you know how I get on.
06-28-2010 10:26 AM
I'm back on this project, and struggling again to make any progress. I have used the prototype code attached earlier, and tried several variations, but I have not yet managed to get any response to my Exchange_ID attempts. Has anyone managed to do this elsewhere?
06-29-2010 09:36 AM
I have worked out why I am getting no response. Using the example as provided, with an empty database path into the MC ECU Open block, the code generates error -301032, realted to an invalid ECU reference in the A2L file. Given that there is no A2L file I try to ignore (clear) that error and continue. But the next block (MC Set property|ECU CCP CRO Id) generates error -301002, invalid reference handle. If I replace the empty database file path with a path to the correct database for this ECU, all works fine.
It seems that I cannot fool the system into connecting without first identifying a database. Unless anyone has any other ideas about how to do this, I will proceed with an alternative route: generate stripped-down A2L files for each family of ECUs, and use these to make the initial connection, before loading the more specific A2L file for that level of software.