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can a NI_CAN (PCMCIA) controller support GMLAN bus-based Instrument

Please let me know whether a PCMCIA NI-CAN Card can directly be connected to a device which uses GMLAN 3110 bus for communication.
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Message 1 of 5
NI's CAN cards are electrically compatible with GMLAN, however you need to make sure that you pick the same physical layer as GMLAN. For example, high-speed, low-speed, single wire, etc... If you have more specific questions please repost. Thanks!

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Message 2 of 5
I am looking for an example for a GMLAN application using the lowspeed singlewire bus in LabVIEW.  I have a PXI 8464 2 port Can card.  I am looking to simulate the GM controller to test audio devices that are GMLan Compliant.  To start, I simply want to send the primary mode and secondary mode power messages at random intervals, but eventually plan on building a smart simulator to add in other components on the Lan as well. 
Any help would be appreciated.

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Message 3 of 5

Hi Paul,

Unfortunately, as of right now, NI does not have any LabVIEW examples for a GMLAN application.  There are several CAN examples that ship with LabVIEW.  You might be able to use/modify one of these.  You can find them in LabVIEW by going to Help>>Find Examples... Once the NI Example Finder is opened, go to the search tab and type "CAN" this will bring up a list of different examples and a description of what they do.  Hope this helps!


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Message 4 of 5
Yup, Can bus config vi in the frame example generates an error.  Since not much is going on and it goes straight into a dll, it is not much help.  I will keep plugging though, thanks

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Message 5 of 5