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Biomedical datalogger with CompactRIO

Does anybody have any reference on a CompactRIO (cRIO) based biomedical datalogger for measuring ECG, O2, T, etc? Or at least C series modules to build my own?

Which sensors and extra signal conditioning do you recommend in order to build my own autonomous & portable medical device? Thank you and regards, Guillermo (SPAIN)

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Message 1 of 6

So you want a to build your own patient vital signs monitor Ouch do not go down that path. It is a minefield of regulations. And your device would very not likely comply with any medical safety standard. That are needed to be allowed to use your device in any real situation with real patients. Depending on your need. I suggest you look into using some sort of medical approved vital signs monitor. That allow some sort of PC interfacing. In order to better help. You should tell us more about your system requirements like sample rate and so on

Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
(Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)
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Message 2 of 6

Hi Coq_Rouge,

I agree with your comments, I should have written I'm not looking to build a commercial device myself but a first prototype for research -thus no certifications needed-.

About daq requirements, cRIO modules are enough. i.e. ECG signal typically needs few kHz.

What I'm looking for is what goes 'outside' NI products, hopefully with easiest connectivity to the cRIO.

And it has to be with cRIO due to other system requirements (like CAN bus, memory, fpga, sensor emulation, etc).

Thank you,


El 10/09/2014, a las 12:11, "Coq_Rouge" <> escribió:


Re: Biomedical datalogger with CompactRIO

created by Coq_Rouge in Biomedical User Group - View the full discussion

So you want a to build your own patient vital signs monitor Ouch do not go down that path. It is a minefield of regulations. And your device would very not likely comply with any medical safety standard. That are needed to be allowed to use your device in any real situation with real patients. Depending on your need. I suggest you look into using some sort of medical approved vital signs monitor. That allow some sort of PC interfacing. In order to better help. You should tell us more about your system requirements like sample rate and so on

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Message 3 of 6


Take a look  at the Thought Technology Science division offers.

I believe they have a video showing the use of their "active sensors"   with CompactDAQ.

They also have an isolator that adds isolation,  power, and connectivity.

I have a few of these sensors. I power them with a 7.25V battery from radio shack. You can use any DAQ module   but for electrophysiology measurements I use my  faithfull 9239 module to leverage the ch-ch isolation, common mode, the need of more agressive gain or high pass filter.

Message 4 of 6

No that is wrong. All kind of equipment connected to any real patient. Need to comply with IEC60601 also in the CE region. You can build your system an test on your co-workers in your lab. But any use of such system even used for public demonstrations outside your lab, using volunteers from the audience will strictly speaking be in a grey area. I understand that such a system can be a great demonstration piece. But you will kind of mislead your customers/clients if you do not specific tell them that such a setup can not be used for datalogging on any real patient.

Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
(Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)
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Message 5 of 6

Point taken. My intention was not to mislead  my customers or community.

This was the main reason why I suggested Thought Technology. They are a  medical devives company and your  comments are directly in line with their  motivation for the creation of the isolator and actually a whole  new sciences division.

The TT Sensor Isolator Model: T9405AM comply   with the IEC60601 and CE standards.

If using the sensors directly into  the cRIO system - or "any" data acquistion device/system, care should be taken to create the necessary and suggested by many of the regulatory bodies, isolation and lines of protection as well as receive IRB or equivalent approval before connecting your system to any subject.

Message 6 of 6