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Do you write or draw a LabVIEW Program?

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I've made a decision in this important matter that TAP has so graciously brought to our attention.  From this point on and until eternity ends...


I will CONTRIVE my VIs.  So let it be written (typed or drawn), so let it be done (run or executed)!

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
Message 21 of 35

@TAP_ wrote:
I was writing documentation for a customer, It was a development plan for adding additional functionality to already "Drawn LabVIEW code". I changed it because I through it was unprofessional. 

"Existing LabVIEW code" is what i would have written. Code is code, whether assembler, C# or G. You dont program HTML/XML however, as some say, but format the information.



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
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Message 22 of 35

@NIquist wrote:

I've made a decision in this important matter that TAP has so graciously brought to our attention.  From this point on and until eternity ends...


I will CONTRIVE my VIs.  So let it be written (typed or drawn), so let it be done (run or executed)!

Oh yeah? Well, I use MAGIC! Thus, I poof! my VIs. So there!  Smiley Very Happy

Message 23 of 35

@smercurio_fc wrote:

@NIquist wrote:

I've made a decision in this important matter that TAP has so graciously brought to our attention.  From this point on and until eternity ends...


I will CONTRIVE my VIs.  So let it be written (typed or drawn), so let it be done (run or executed)!

Oh yeah? Well, I use MAGIC! Thus, I poof! my VIs. So there!  Smiley Very Happy

Do you make sound effects to go with the poofing?

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 35

Now we know how these guys get to be Knights!



0 Kudos
Message 25 of 35

@johnsold wrote:

Now we know how these guys get to be Knights!



Yes, his REAL name is probably smerlincurio_fc. Smiley Happy


But don't offend the Knights or they will say NI to you!


LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
0 Kudos
Message 26 of 35

@Hornless.Rhino wrote:

Do you make sound effects to go with the poofing?

I thought that might have been overdoing it. Smiley Wink

Message 27 of 35

@smercurio_fc wrote:

@Hornless.Rhino wrote:

Do you make sound effects to go with the poofing?

I thought that might have been overdoing it. Smiley Wink

 Not really. 


And- For the final goal---TAP__  Severio just whipped up a quick example on a whim. LabVIEW users of all achievement levels can understand the simple example. 

Duplicate it in the language of your choice.


Steve C.-- Could you jing that demo- TAP__ might not be able to see what it does?

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 28 of 35

Well I normally scope and plan my programs before typing, writing, drawing, sketching, wiring, programming or whatever even takes place.


Given the 40:20:40 model, that (and testing) seems the more important part, don't you think?


The semantics are irrelevant.



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Message 29 of 35



What is wronge about working for NI? Why is your first role of engagement "1. I do not work for NI".


Nice Nuggets on USB btw.



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Message 30 of 35