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Why didn't NI think of this?

Let Google show the way! NI needs to make 8-bit LabVIEW for NES!!! 


Yes, I really mean all those exclamation points.




I swear I was laughing through the whole thing.

Message 1 of 29



Love it!



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 29

It actually works really well, even the street view. Here's an intersection near UCLA.




Message 3 of 29

Did NI do an April First announcement? I haven't found one. I was looking...



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 29

Yea, it sucks that April 1 is on a Sunday this year.


Don't forget to check out and watch the video of their autonomous NASCAR. The interviews were very reminiscent of Borat. This video shows what happens when an autonomous Google NASCAR gets loose and heads to town unoccupied.



April Fools!!!


LabVIEW 2012

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 29



Did street view actually work for you or did you make that image yourself?


I can see the satellite map in the cheap graphics, but streetview looks like the normal everyday pictures.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 29

Yes, street view works just fine in 8 bit. Even found my house. You need to place that viking character above the zoom control. 🙂


If it does not work for you, maybe you should verify your system requirements.


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 29

I haven't found any hiddden monsters, but I found two "propeller heads" near the location of the new Google Campus in Venice (Cool Claes Oldenburg entrance to the Frank Gehry building btw.). 😄






Message 8 of 29
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 29

Still working fine here. I don't think your link says that they removed it, but simply that many people did not notice its availability. 😉


(Sometimes the original image flashes for a few milliseconds before the 8 bit version shows (I think it is only 4 bit (16 colors or even less, but who's counting 😉

Maybe the servers are overloaded in your area so the conversion fails?)

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Message 10 of 29