03-21-2023 02:48 PM
Was fantastic to see everyone, and the cars too! Please find attached my presentation.
04-05-2023 01:37 AM
Hey James
Any planned date for the next CSLUG meeting??
04-12-2023 12:52 AM
Hi Andy,
Good question! Just working on it but will be shooting for late June.
04-12-2023 12:53 AM
Hi Everyone,
NI appear to have changed the process for certification points back which means you must all now individually request your points for attending CSLUG. They already have a list of who attended so it should just get approved.
To get your points email certificationrewards@ni.com and request points for attending the CSLUG March 2023 user group.
Sorry for the extra paperwork!
04-12-2023 02:01 AM - edited 04-12-2023 02:09 AM
Hi James, do the recertification points still apply to those joining the live stream?
<edit>Actually it's a moot point for me at least as I don't think I'm eligible for points until Feb 2025, my CLA expiry is Feb 2029!</edit>