CSLUG - Central South LabVIEW User Group (UK)

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November 2011 Meeting

Hello All

Wednesday 30th November 12:00-14:00 Is the date for your diarys,

We're hunting around for subjects, presenters or problems, questions so any input will be greatly appreciated.

We have NIDays just prior to this so perhaps we could prod and poke at some of the demos

A discussion about LabVIEW and operating system reliability was mooted, it could get heated!, I personally think this will prove very useful if we can discuss how we check system reliability, how IT policies can affect it, programming style, leaks, tips etc

If you're going to attend can you register via Angie at NI.


Steve Watts

Agenda (so far)

A suggested alternative to the classic state machine, refactored to use custom user events.

Interfacing LCDs and NVRAM to RIO

LabVIEW and Operating System Reliability (Including Virtual OS) - Free form discussion, I'll try and drag some facts of t'internet.


Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

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I have a sbRIO LCD Display and Non-Volatile memory example I can talk about if anyone is interested.

Useful for using DIO to address and talk to chips


Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop

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Operating system reliability could be interesting, I am currently running LabVIEW for Windows and LabVIEW for Mac and did a recent Eval of LabVIEW for Linux in order to try and sell the concept of LabVIEW to some die hard RMB for Linux users.

I have mixed feelings about each but could be useful discussion.

I have just poseted some code up here too. A suggested alternative to the classic state machine, refactored to use custom user events. If people have had an opportunity to play with it then perhaps we could turn 5 minutes over to this ?

I'll shake my brain a bit and see what else I can think of

Don't forget to give Kudo's for a good answer !

LabVIEW Champion
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 3 of 4

OS reliability was what was discussed at the end of the last meeting. I suspect it will be hard to put figures & fact to it (it tends to be an emotional topic!) but certainly considerations of OS reliability and factors between Windows/Linux/Real Time. What would certainly be good based on last times discussions is what you can do to improve reliability e.g. turning off windows update.

There was some discussion last time on error handling as well. Mike Bailey is doing a session on this at NI Days but if it is useful for the user group then we can get the content and/or a presenter.

James Mc
CLA and cRIO Fanatic
My writings on LabVIEW Development are at devs.wiresmithtech.com
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