11-11-2015 12:43 PM
Hi all,
Mr Mohammed Ikramullah's school is interested in inviting professional engineers to come and talk to their students. This way students can have exposure from their experience. Let me know if any of you would like to volunteer. Mr Ikramullah's contact info is below.
Mohammed Ikramullah
PLTW Teacher – Principles of Engineering
(POE) and Digital Electronics (DE)
Catalyst Charter Schools
6727 S. California Ave. Chicago, IL 60629
773-993-1770 x4136 | Fax 773-993-1771
02-14-2019 12:15 PM
I am a 2nd year teacher of Digital Electronics in Los Angeles. Have you had any sucess getting a speaker into you class. We are mainly doing Majority Vote, DOB with P7 chip and J-K flip flops. I have only had a month and this year two months. My class is juniors on the Engineering Pathway mainly using PLTW IED, POE, a more general Applied Engineering and Capstone for 9-12 grades respectively. I am the junior year teacher and a retired Honeywell Electrical Engineer. Have you had any success getting National Instruments to bring technical resource person in?
Thanks for your help.