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Digital output generation using counter and AI data aquistion



I am trying to create two digital signals using two counters with PCI6220.Simultaneously I need to acquire some analog signals to display on monitor. I could able to do both individually, however when I combine both of them in single programme, could not able to do it. It is giving me an error

“The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified”.

I am using a dummy AI channel for synchronizing my digital signals. I presume this problem may be due to the synchronization with AI dummy channel.

Can’t I do both acquisition and generation simultaneously this way?

Is there any other way to do this ?

Any help will be great for me…






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Message 1 of 3

Hi Savini,


The error that you are receiving is due to the fact that you are using two analog inputs tasks in the same VI.  You can only do one analog input task at a time on the 6220 board.  If it had analog output you could create a dumby task with that, but that particular card does not.  If you make the analog input in the DAQ assistant the same timing that you would like to use for the counter tasks you can still use the analog sample clock from that task and there would be no need for the dumby task.

Ryan T
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 2 of 3

Ryan is correct that you cannot have more than one AI Task running at the same time on the 6220.  However, the dummy task shouldn't be necessary in this case--you can synchronize your counters as follows:






If you do need a clock-type signal to synchronize off of, another option would be Freq Out, which is programmed just like a standard Counter Output but has limited functionality.



Best Regards,

John Passiak
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Message 3 of 3