12-18-2021 01:03 AM
I have to design a counter circuit that will count the number of bites. Im using a flex sensor (3 inch) to get the input. The circuit will consist of comparator and counter ic and 7 segment display. I want to know how this circuit will be connected in order for me to count each time a person bites. Flex sensor changes its resistance when it expands and contracts.
12-18-2021 12:05 PM
Unfortunately, I don't see the connection between your query and NI discussion forums. If you're using any NI Hardware or Software, please be specific.
If you're not, you will get better reach in general electronics forums elsewhere.
01-23-2022 12:37 PM
Hi Khanos,
You will need to buy a NI device which suppports counters ex USB 6000.
To this you will need to connect your comparator output. ( Assuming TTL).
You will need to do programming (LabVIEW or CVI) to read the counter value.