07-23-2009 05:30 AM
07-24-2009 11:00 AM
Just one piece of info I forgot to include:
- PXI solution: 6602 counter has got 75ppm stability on the oscillator
- CRIO solution: FPGA internal oscillator has got 200 ppm; 35 ppm at 25 °C stability on the oscillator
Therefore, I am also concerned about this stability being added to my overall error budget;
If we use a 10Mhz clock of 75ppm stability, I get 0.75Hz error in frequency, which is already above my error budget !
Therefore ideas/recommendations how to deal with CRIO and PXI internal oscillator errors would also be valuable.
07-30-2009 03:19 AM
After doing some calculations, motivated by this thread:http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=40&message.id=7582#M7582
It seems that derived clocks inherit the relative clock stability, not the relative. Therefore:
Let us say that the oscillator is 75ppb stable, 10Mhz. Now we generate 10Khz out of it.
The oscillator drifts from to 10,000,000.7500 to 9,999,999.2500 (according to the 75ppb=>0.75Hz drift). If we count 1000 cycles of this oscillator, we should have 10Khz, but according to these drifts, we will have a drifted 10Khz:
10000.00075 to 999.99925 Hz
Which corresponds to 0.00075 Hz drift, which is the oscillator drift divided by 1000 (0.75Hz / 1000).
So any clock derived by the oscillator will have stability:
Stability = CLOCK *XX [Hz]
Where XX is the proportional stability over a period of time, usually expressed as XX ppm per year.
This is just a partial answer to my first question, but as I read in the forums, I thought it would be nice to share with everybody.
08-03-2009 09:25 AM
New calculations show that a 75ppb stable clock would be necessary, together with a more complex way to measure frequency, such as the divide down frequency method.
I summarize here the error calculations that intend to consider synchronization error together with oscillator stability error. I am not sure that they are 100% right, but I would appreciate some feedback (also in http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=40&message.id=7595&jump=true#M7595😞
Assuming that I use the divide down method for frequency estimation:
Clock freq 10,000,000.0000 Hz
Signal freq 100,000 Hz
Frequency divider 10000
After dividing down the signal's frequency with a 75ppb stability clock:
Divided down signal freq 10 Hz (signal freq / freq divider)
Max divided down freq 10.00000075 Hz (divided down signal + (stability * divided down signal))
Min divided down freq 9.99999925 Hz (divided down signal - (stability * divided down signal))
Now if we coun this signal with its fluctuations, we get this oscillation in the counts:
Max count for signal 1000000 count (max oscilat freq / min divided freq)
Min count for signal 999999 count (min oscilat freq / max divided freq)
If we process these count numbers:
Max estimated freq 100000.1075 Hz (max oscillat freq / min count * divider )
Min estimated freq 99999.9925 Hz (min oscillat freq / max count * divider )
Absolute error 0.107500107 Hz (maximum of the errors of both estimations)
Max measurement time 0.1 s (frequency divider / signal frequency)
Which would be fine, slightly in the limit, but fine. For a 1Khz signal, same calculations would perform better, but require 10seconds measurement. For this reason the frequency divider value could be reduced without compromising the accuracy.
Which shows that a 6602 or a CRIO would not be good enoug, only a 6608 would be fine, if using the divide down method and a variable divide down value depending on the signal frequency.