08-25-2009 11:10 AM
I had a troubling issue arrise regarding a 6711PXI card. The card was running flawlessly, I exited the program to fix a few errors in sequencing, clicked run with full compile on VB (this is standard and never failed before). My system BSODed and when I restarted it the test software compiled right away but tests that had previously passed were now failing all over the grid.
I tracked it down to the 6711 card. The dio ports are all emiting 5Vdc and are uncontrolable. Went into MAX and tried further diagnostics and found that that card was not initiating properly. It listed error -200020.
I read in the forums about Wiping the pxisys.ini files but was not sure if this would be a favorable solution to my system woes. Could slot swapping possibly effect change in this error type.
08-27-2009 10:09 AM
Hi elijahm,
By further diagnostics in MAX, I will assume you are referring to self-test since this error explanation is "Self-test of the device has failed." Please correct me if this is wrong. The pxisys.ini files will not affect the ability of the card to respond to self-test.
Do you have another NI PXI-6711 card you can try in its place? Does the card pass self-test in another slot? Do you have access to another chassis to test the card? Also try repairing the driver. If you are still experiencing difficulty communicating with the card, then I would recommend an RMA.
08-27-2009 10:18 AM