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Problem when use digital channel to create digital pulse train


I want to use digital I/O channel to  digital pulse train, without using counter output.


The file attached is what I create.


But the porblem is:

1. I can not click the button "stop" to stop the program. There is always a error.

2. About the Clock Source. I can only choose "Dev1/100kHzTimebase". Others dosn't work.


The DAQ card I am using is PCI-6229, actually, it should have 1M Hz max clock rate.



Does anyone can help me the solve the problem?




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M Series data acquisition cards include the capability to synchronize digital input/output with other operations (Correlated Digital IO). The Digital I/O subsystem does not have its own internal clock source, and therefore, an external signal or clock from another subsystem on the board must be provided, thus correlating the digital data to this signal. Please refer to the following examples which illustrate how this can be accomplished using an analog input task.


1. Performing Correlated Digital IO with an M Series Device in LabVIEW:

2. Correlated Digital Output with Analog Input Task in DAQmx:


Best regards,


Ali M

Applications Engineer

National Instruments



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