07-15-2009 02:38 PM
Has anyone used a S-series PXI-6143 DAQ to take encoder position measurements? I believe there are 2 counters available, if you have any examples of how to access and read from these counters it would be greatly appreciated.
07-16-2009 01:29 PM
09-18-2009 03:37 PM
09-18-2009 03:59 PM
Hi Bentup,
Measuring a quadrature encoder on your device is actually going to be a bit different than on an M series device. The STC-2 chip, which is used in the M series, allows for A and B inputs specifically for encoder signals (used in the Angular Encoder task). The original STC-1 chip which is used in E series and most S series boards (including your 6143) does not have these same inputs. Instead, you may must a Count Digital Events task (taking advantage of the up/down line of the counter). The Angular Encoder task is not supported on STC-1 devices.
The article that lab_boy linked earlier actually mentions how to use an encoder with an E series device once you scroll down a bit (here's the link again). This same procedure should apply to your S series--connect the A output of your encoder to the source of the Counter (this is the signal that you are counting). Connect B to the up/down line of the counter (P0.6 and P0.7 for counter 0 and 1 respectively).
The downside with this method is that it is more susceptible to vibrations or noise on the encoder lines. If this is a problem for you, you can look into an external encoder conditioner like the one mentioned in the article. I hope this helps!
Best Regards,
09-22-2009 01:43 PM
09-22-2009 02:30 PM
Did you connect the ground of the power supply powering the encoder to the digital ground of your DAQ card?
What is the make/model of the encoder you are using?
09-23-2009 03:59 PM
09-23-2009 04:33 PM
Need the full part number, since that model offers open collector or line driver outputs, which may or may not be the cause of no counts. If you have a voltmeter handy, probe the outputs while slowly rotating the shaft, hopefully you see 0-5V transitions.
09-23-2009 06:05 PM
09-24-2009 10:22 AM
That model is an open collector. What voltage are you powering the encoder with?
If using 5V for power, try adding a 1Kohm resistor to each encoder output, connect the other end of the resistors to +5V.