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Sample Encoder with BNC2120 & PCI 6122

I have an angle encoder and I am trying to sample the output TTL signal (0-5V). I want to count the steps, considering that after every step (0.1 deg) the signal switches from high to low or viceversa.
The encoder cabling is correct.
1) Where should I put the wire on the BNC 2120? On the counter pin CTR? If yes, I have different CTR counter pins: gate, source, output (if I am not wrong). On which one I have to connect it?
2) How should I set the DAQ-MX express VI for acquiring the signal?
Thank you very much for your answers, consider that I am not very expert with electronic and programming.
Message 1 of 2


you have to connect the ttl signal to the source of CTR  (PFI8).

Take a look to the example at the link

Hope this helps.


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