02-09-2011 11:55 AM
I have a problem implementing a single pulse on an NI USB-6212. I know that Matlab (data acquisition toolbox) dosn't support the access to the counter/timer of the 6212. Thus, I try to use direct calls to the NIDAQmx driver.
The pulse generating system already works in LabView, but i have to implement it in Matlab. The following picture is the screenshot of the working LabView system..
The basic idea of this system is, to generate one pulse with a defined "high-time" and "low-Time". After the first pulse is executed, a second single pulse starts with another defined high- and low-time. The second pulse is triggert with the first pulse and has an offset of high-time + low-time. The output-channel of the first pulse is at ctr0 and the second pulse at ctr1.
Now, I tried to write an matlab-script to generate the first pulse, but it won't work.
%% Load Lib if ~libisloaded('myni') disp('Matlab: Load nicaiu.dll') funclist = loadlibrary('nicaiu.dll','C:\Programme\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\DAQmx ANSI C Dev\include\NIDAQmx.h','alias','myni'); %libfunctions('myni','-full') % use this to show the... %libfunctionsview('myni') % included function end disp('Matlab: dll loaded') disp('') % After loading a shared library into the MATLAB workspace, use the % calllib function to call functions in the library. % The syntax for calllib is: % calllib('libname', 'funcname', arg1, ..., argN) %% DAQmx Configure Code % Taskhandle = libpointer( 'uint32Ptr', 0 ); Taskhandle = uint32(1); Taskname = 'CounterTest'; [a,b,Taskname] = calllib( 'myni', 'DAQmxCreateTask', Taskname, Taskhandle ); % create channel name for counter input edge count taskchans1 = ['Dev1/ctr0']; DAQmx_Val_Seconds = 10364; % Seconds DAQmx_Val_Low = 10214; % Low % create channel % DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanTime(TaskHandle taskHandle, const char counter[], const char nameToAssignToChannel[], int32 units, int32 idleState, float64 initialDelay, float64 lowTime, float64 highTime); a = calllib( 'myni', 'DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanTime', Taskhandle, taskchans1, '',... DAQmx_Val_Seconds, DAQmx_Val_Low, 1, 0.5, 1 ); DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps = 10178; % Finite Samples m = calllib( 'myni', 'DAQmxCfgImplicitTiming', Taskhandle, DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps, 1 ); % DAQmxCfgImplicitTiming(TaskHandle taskHandle, int32 sampleMode, uInt64 sampsPerChan); %% DAQmx Start Code calllib( 'myni', 'DAQmxStartTask', Taskhandle ); %% DAQmx Wait Code calllib( 'myni', 'DAQmxWaitUntilTaskDone', Taskhandle, 10 );
However, this script runs without an error, but with no reason, there is no pulse at the output???
Has anyone an idea what's wrong with this matlab-code? I hope somebody can help me with this problem...
02-10-2011 08:53 AM
I just found the solution by myself. It was a problem with the taskhandle which has to be [] instead of uint32(1).
Additionally, the taskname has the be empty as well.
Thank you anyway...