I am trying to read linear position using a rotary encoder rolling along a surface. My setup seems to work just fine for linear speeds of up to about 385 mm/s, however speeds beyond that cause the position value to cease changing until the velocity is reduced again.
My setup currently involves using a cdaq-9185 expansion chassis and a NI 9421 module. The quadrature encoder is 5000 pulses per revolution and connected to a wheel of 200 mm circumference. This results in 0.00004 meters per pulse.
I have attached an image of my code.
Given I can acquire good data at lower speeds I assume my issue is related to timing or the limits of the hardware and I am just not understanding something there.
I would like to measure substantially faster than I currently am able. 3 m/s would be great.
I would appreciate any explanation as to what I have overlooked.