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generating trigger using a counter


I am wondering if it's possible to use a counter input to generate a trigger signal with one of the NI PCI boards.




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Message 1 of 5

Hi Raphael,


What PCI card are you using?  Can you tell me a bit more about what you are trying to do?  In the example finder found in the Getting Started window when when labVIEW opens or in the help tab from within a labVIEW VI.  There is some good examples found under Hardware Input and Output > DAQmx then depending on what you want to do look under the relevant folder. 



Matt Surridge

National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5


I am using a NI USB-6211 and plan to use a PCI equivalent.


My application needs to average pulses of data. I am using an acqiris averager for this.

I would also like to use the trigger of the pulses to generate every n times another trigger.

This trigger would be used to generate a clock for buffer position measurements of an angular encoder (using a NI DAQ).

That will allow me to synch the average of the pulses with the angular reading.


I am wondering if any NI device would allow me to do it (and the angular encoder reading as well).


Hope this clarify a bit the context.





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Message 3 of 5

Hi Raphael


The PCI cards NationaI Instruments offer will be able to achive this task.  Did you look at the examples I suggested you look at? They show how it can be achived using the DAQmx VI's 


Hope this helps



Matt Surridge

National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi Raphael,

You can achieve this using frequency division feature (pulse train generation) of the card. This feature allows to generate the pulse with frequency that is a fraction of an input signal (see documentation to NI 6010 card, for example). This generated pulse then can be used as an input for trigger.

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