07-19-2011 09:57 AM
Thanks for the response. Currently I can't hook up to the system to get the exact error code, I do however remember the just of the message. Whenever I try to reserve the counter input line and not the Digital output line I then use a sequence structure to start the Digital output followed by the counter input, I get the error that the output line is in use by another path or route (it recommends to start it later in the program or to define another line).
If you can figure out whats going on by this post, great, if not I will try to get over to the system and get the precise error codes from the program.
07-19-2011 10:01 AM
Hi mschoenwald,
I don't know if I fully understand, what I'm trying to hook up to the DAQ is 2 counter inputs each will have a 3 channel (a,b,index) encoder attached, and 2 digital output lines to trigger external devices. I think this means I will have a total of 4 "lines" being used.
Think this setup will work?
07-19-2011 10:14 AM
I don't think this will work on one 9401 module, nut I am not certian. It would seem to me that you would need a total of 6 inputs for the two encoders and that would extend over to the second port causing it to also be a input. I did run into the issue of starting up unrelated tasks that where not on the same module and causing the same error. Have you tried doing just a test program and getting one running at a time and adding one too it until they all are working? This will help narrow down where you are have problems.
07-19-2011 10:30 AM
Hi Mark,
I just had another look at this (http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/7109), and I am pretty sure that I will not be able to do it. For some reason I didn't realize that the a,b, and index channels from the encoder all need PFI lines (which are the DI/O lines). My appologies, I misinterpreted the specs of the system.
Thanks for the help,
09-08-2011 12:26 AM
Hi John,
I have seen you have a lot of good feedback. As a LabVIEW beginner, I am stuck with generating 2 PWMs outputs. Do you have any codes that built for two or multi PWMs?. I a require, I have to be able to vary the frequency (hertz), duty cycle and have a delay time between PWM1 and PWM2. Please post a file, and greatly appreciated.
09-08-2011 10:34 AM
Hi Rucan,
Since this is a new question you should probably start a new thread on the forum.
Are the frequency and duty cycle the same between the two PWM outputs? If you have a constant delay between the two, then the frequency would at least have to be the same. Also, what hardware are you using?
Best Regards,