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Dasylab 2016 - trigger / stop acquisition from external software

Hello there,


I'm a bit stuck on a problem... For a special application, I need to start/stop my measurement not from an electrical signal but from a signal trigged by a software running on the same computer than Dasylab. It could be also a great thing to let my software change the output file name in the "write file" module.


To sum up, I need to "control" my dasylab sheet from an external software. I made some researches, I may be able to create an OPC link between Dasylab and my custom software... ("Datastocket import" modules maybe....)


Any advice on how to achieve this ?


Thanks in advance !



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You can control DASYLab by DDE. Please have a look in the DASYLab help for details.

Can your software send strings to a DDE server?



measX GmbH
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks for your feedback. Yes I should be able to send DDE commands. I took a look into the documentation, it may solve my problem. Thanks !

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