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Using Lookup Tables and Scaling in DASYLAB

Does DASYLab offer the option to use lookup tables within the software?  I would like to search through encoder and width data, scale the width data based on the encoder location and then save or resave the data.  Currently the data is being saved in a dasylab format to be played back.  Also, can a scaling reference table/module be used to list constants to scale with in a function or are they only replacement values (as in for calibration).  Background - We are extruding product onto a rotary table and wobble in the table is causing a change in thickness of the extruded bead which affects the width.
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Use the Scaling module. It offers a couple of modes... choose the Table of Reference points.

Refer to the Help for details of the table format.

Measurement Computing (MCC) has free technical support. Visit www.mccdaq.com and click on the "Support" tab for all support options, including DASYLab.
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