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count only the values in a specific range

Thank you very much. My program is running as I wanted. Now, the only issue that I have is regarding the data saved by the program. The saved files are getting bigger and the computer where I am running the program is taking a while to open the saved files. I was wondering if there is a way to save and create a new ASCII file avery 24 hours. Thank you again for your help

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Message 11 of 12

You can use the Action module to do this, but you have to have a customized file name to work well. 


My usual example uses Global strings in the file name, for example,


File name type - Combi

File name 




Configure an Action module, connect it to a Read Global string module. Configure the module to read the System variable ${ACTUAL_DAY}.

The Action event is Input value changed. The receiver is the Write Data Module, the Action is Close and Reopen file. 


If configured correctly, when the number of the day changes (for example, today is 14, tomorrow is 15), the Write module will close the file and reopen it. When it does so, it will pick up the current value of the Year, Month, Day, and create a new file if necessary. 



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Message 12 of 12