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Call the refresh values data portal button programatically

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I am trying to remedy a bug where my values are incorrectly being pulled after processing data. I have found the only reliable way to do this is to press the green refresh values button over the data portal. I am trying to include this step in the script, is there any way to do so. From my understanding it calls the CalculationSet manager which recalculates all the channels maxes. Which is different from the Portal.Refresh which I believe is only UI not the actual channel values. Thank you for the help!



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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author BrandonHosken

Hi BrandsonHosken,


We don’t have a corresponding script command for the green refresh values button. But I have created a small script which works in the same way.

First, I search for all calculation channels and run the calculation and in the end, I calculate the channel characteristics for all channels.


dim iLoop, jLoop, oGroups, oGroupChns

set oGroups = Data.Root.ChannelGroups

for jLoop = 1 to oGroups.Count
  set oGroupChns = oGroups(jLoop).Channels
  for iLoop = 1 to oGroupChns.Count
    if oGroupChns(iLoop).IsKindOf(eDataCalculationChannel) then
      call oGroupChns(iLoop).RunCalculation
    end if

call ChnCharacterAll




Message 2 of 3

Perfect, thank you so much for the help with this problem! I appreciate it!

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Message 3 of 3