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Error Concatenating TDMS Files

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Hi everyone,


I have trouble using the provided script ChnConcatenation_Libr.vbs for appending time channels to one another. It has been working without any problems for a while now, but an error is occuring with the attached TDMS-files.


I have no idea what to make of it and would be happy, if someone could help me.


Best regards,


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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author jakob.griebenow

I have a very old script that worked for those 2 files I think?  I loaded test1 and then test2:

Option Explicit  'Forces the explicit declaration of all the variables in a script.
SCRIPT_NAME = "concatenator: "
  '- numberOfGroups: how many groups are in the original file loaded
  '- timeChannelName: the name of the channel to look for when offsetting time
  '- extraTimeChannels: TRUE/FALSE to generate extra time channels?

Dim numberOfGroups: numberOfGroups = 1
Dim timeChannelName: timeChannelName = "TimeStamp"
Dim extraTimeChannels: extraTimeChannels = FALSE

Call LogFileWrite(SCRIPT_NAME & "Entered execution")
' Check if a valid number of groups is loaded
If GroupCount >= numberOfGroups * 2 Then
  If (GroupCount Mod numberOfGroups = 0) Then
    ' First generate extra time channels if required
    If extraTimeChannels Then
      Call LogFileWrite(SCRIPT_NAME & "Generating extra time channels")
      Dim sec, fq, hours, seconds, chnlSize, i
      For i = 1 To GroupCount Step 1 ' for each channel group
        Data.Root.ChannelGroups(i).Channels("Timestamps").Properties("displaytype").Value = "Numeric"
        ' Calculate frequencies
        sec = Str(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(i).Channels("Timestamps").Maximum)
        fq = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(i).Channels("Timestamps").Size / sec
        hours = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(i).Channels("Timestamps").Size / fq / 3600
        ' Generate numeric channels representing time
        chnlSize = Data.Root.ActiveChannelGroup.Channels(2).Size
        Call ChnLinGenImp("LinearGenerated",chnlSize,0, hours / Data.Root.ChannelGroups(i).Channels("Timestamps").Maximum,"")
        Data.Root.ChannelGroups(i).Channels("LinearGenerated").Name = "Hours"
      Call LogFileWrite(SCRIPT_NAME & "Done generating extra time channels")
    End If
    ' Concatenate!
    Dim groupToConcatenate, j, counter
    counter = 0
    groupToConcatenate = 1
    Do While GroupCount > numberOfGroups
      If groupToConcatenate > numberOfGroups Then 
        groupToConcatenate = 1
      End If
      For j = 1 To Data.Root.ChannelGroups(numberOfGroups + 1).Channels.Count Step 1 ' Concatenate all channels
        Data.Root.ChannelGroups(numberOfGroups + 1).Activate()
        If Data.Root.ChannelGroups(numberOfGroups + 1).Channels(j).Name = timeChannelName Then ' Offset and concatenate for time channel
          If Data.Root.ChannelGroups(numberOfGroups + 1).Channels(j).Values(1) = 0 Then
            Data.Root.ChannelGroups(numberOfGroups + 1).Channels(j).Values(1) = 0.001 
          End If
          Call ChnOffset("[" & numberOfGroups + 1 & "]/" & timeChannelName & "", "/" & timeChannelName & "", Data.Root.ChannelGroups(groupToConcatenate).Channels(timeChannelName).Maximum, "free offset")
          Call ChnConcat(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(numberOfGroups + 1).Channels(j), Data.Root.ChannelGroups(groupToConcatenate).Channels(j))
        ElseIf Data.Root.ChannelGroups(numberOfGroups + 1).Channels(j).Name = "Hours" Then
          Call ChnValExpand(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(numberOfGroups + 1).Channels("Hours"))
          Call ChnOffset("[" & (numberOfGroups + 1) & "]/Hours","/Hours",Data.Root.ChannelGroups(groupToConcatenate).Channels("Hours").Maximum,"free offset")
        Else ' Just concatenate
          Call ChnConcat(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(numberOfGroups + 1).Channels(j), Data.Root.ChannelGroups(groupToConcatenate).Channels(j))
        End If
      ' Clear the channel group
      Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Remove(numberOfGroups + 1)
      groupToConcatenate = groupToConcatenate + 1
      counter = counter + 1
'      If counter Mod (numberOfGroups * 100) = 0 Then
'OPTIONAL PRINTOUT    Call LogFileWrite(SCRIPT_NAME & "concatenated " & counter + numberOfGroups & " channel groups, that is " & (counter/numberOfGroups) + 1 & " files")
'      End If
    Call LogFileWrite(SCRIPT_NAME & "Concatenated " & counter & " channel groups, or " & counter / numberOfGroups + 1 & " files (" & numberOfGroups & " channel groups per file)")
    Call LogFileWrite(SCRIPT_NAME & "Can't start execution with group count not being a multiple of " & numberOfGroups)
  End If
  Call LogFileWrite(SCRIPT_NAME & "Can't start execution with only " & GroupCount & " groups loaded...")
End If
Call LogFileWrite(SCRIPT_NAME & "Exited execution")

You will need to define the 3 variables at the top named globals but I did it so if all the files you load are in this format you should be ok..

- Attached are the resulting tdms and the graph

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Message 2 of 5

.. You can load as many groups as you wand in their chronological order (oldest first loaded) and it will concatenate all into one group.

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Message 3 of 5

Thanks for your answer.


Unfortunately the resulting file test12.tdms has an incorrect timestamp. That is why your script won't help me much. Do you have another idea?


Best regards


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Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author jakob.griebenow

It is probably because I add offset to each time channel concatenated so it is monotonous and continuous.  Maybe try commenting out the ChnOffset() functions ??

Message 5 of 5