09-28-2018 03:44 AM
I have some users that are having trouble opening ascii-files with the following command in a script:
Call FileOpen("GTestlist.asc", 0)
See error message.
They use DIAdem 2012.
They also have problems with:
T2 ="create_ascii.asc"
T10 = "R:\9143X\9143X\Program\VBS_DiademMakro\Log\" & T2
Call FileWriteLn(T10, 1, date & " " & time & " " & GetEnv("username"))
Sorry, but I have no error message for this right now.
Any idea?
10-01-2018 02:54 AM
Hi Ulf,
It is going to be difficult to help you with debugging without some more information.
So here just some very general ideas what can go wrong.
1) Is the GTESTLIST.asc already existing when you open it? Or is it also created at this point?
2) Can you doublecheck that you have read/write rights for the folder?
Can you also update the post with an error message for the second error?