06-27-2016 07:07 AM
Is there any counterpart command to FileDlgShow? Like FileDlgSave?
I have been currently using the following code to allow me better functionality to get file pathways for saving and opening files however the MSComDlg object does not exists on all of my clients machines. I know I could use the FileDlgShow to find file pathways but I was wondering if there was something similar to get file pathways for saving.
I am using 2015 32 but some of my clients are using Diadem 2012.
Function filedialog(filt, def, title, save) dim dialog, discard set dialog = CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog") dialog.MaxFileSize = 256 if filt = "" then dialog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" else dialog.Filter = filt end if dialog.FilterIndex = 1 dialog.DialogTitle = title dialog.InitDir = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") dialog.FileName = "" if save = true then dialog.DefaultExt = def dialog.Flags = &H800 + &H4 discard = dialog.ShowSave() 'msgbox(dialog.FileName) else dialog.Flags = &H1000 + &H4 + &H800 discard = dialog.ShowOpen() end if filedialog = dialog.FileName end function
06-27-2016 07:35 AM
Hi Tim,
You can use the command FileNameGet. The second parameter differentiate between reading and saveing
If (FileNameGet("REPORT", "FileWrite", LayoutReadPath & PicFile & ".TDR") = "IDOk") Then ' Dialog closed with Ok Call PicSave(FileDlgFileName) End If
06-27-2016 08:03 AM - edited 06-27-2016 08:09 AM
Excellent Walter Thanks