02-21-2016 07:27 PM
If someone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.
I'm trying to find the time it takes for the first voltage glitch ("Clutch Amps") from when the "Clutch Voltage" drops .
Also the Voltage at the point of the glitch of the "Clutch Amps" . Has anyone run into this type of problem before?
Thank you in advance for any help!
I have attached the file and a graphic of what I'm looking to do..
Thanks !!
Solved! Go to Solution.
02-22-2016 05:29 AM
Hello SDuf,
could you please post the complete TDM data set ? Its a pair of files. (TDM+TDX). The TDM file provides only the metadata.
02-22-2016 11:29 AM
Sorry ..Here they are.
Thanks for looking..
I had to Zip the file....
02-23-2016 05:05 AM
Hello SDuf,
please see the little script below providing a suggestion how to solve this :
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit 'Forces the explicit declaration of all the variables in a script. Call LogFileDel() Call Main() '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Main() Dim sgDataFile : sgDataFile = CurrentScriptPath & "Clutch_do_sn001_02-19-2016_11-05-43-505.tdm" Dim oGroupR,oChnSignal,oChnSmooth,oChn1Der Dim FreqLimit,FilterDegree,oaEvents '---------------------------------------------------------- ' '---------------------------------------------------------- Call Data.Root.Clear() Call DataFileLoad(sgDataFile,"TDM","Load") '---------------------------------------------------------- ' '---------------------------------------------------------- Set oGroupR = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("Results") Set oChnSignal = Data.GetChannel("Clutch (amps)") Set oChnSmooth = oGroupR.Channels.Add(oChnSignal.Name&"_Smooth",DataTypeChnFloat64) Set oChn1Der = oGroupR.Channels.Add(oChnSignal.Name&"First_Der",DataTypeChnFloat64) '---------------------------------------------------------- ' Preprocess clucth (amps) signal '---------------------------------------------------------- FreqLimit = 100. FilterDegree = 4 Call ChnFiltCalc("",oChnSignal,oChnSmooth,"IIR","Bessel","Low pass",FilterDegree,FreqLimit,0,0,1.2,25,"Hamming",1,1) Call ChnSmooth(oChnSignal,oChnSmooth,50,"maxNumber") Call ChnSmooth(oChnSmooth,oChnSmooth,50,"maxNumber") ' calculate first derivative to then identify the area ' where the amps signal value decreases Call ChnDeriveCalc("",oChnSmooth,oChn1Der) ' pre-process derivative to better identify the area we're looking for Call ChnFiltCalc("",oChn1Der,oChn1Der,"IIR","Bessel","Low pass",FilterDegree,FreqLimit,0,0,1.2,25,"Hamming",1,1) Call ChnSmooth(oChn1Der,oChn1Der,50,"maxNumber") Call ChnSmooth(oChn1Der,oChn1Der,50,"maxNumber") ' calculate area where first derivative is negative oaEvents = ChnEventDetectionWindow(,oChn1Der,NULL,-0.05,0.05,0.05) LogFileWrite("Intervall Indices: "&oaEvents(0,0)& vbTab &oaEvents(0,1)) LogFileWrite("Intervall time values: "&Str(oaEvents(0,2),"autoadj")& vbTab &str(oaEvents(0,3),"autoadj")) End FUnction
02-23-2016 07:54 PM
Thank you so much for your help. This works perfictly !!!
This Forum is always a great source of help!!
Thanks Again !!!!!!