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How can I test DIAdem edition (Base/Advanced/Professional) feature differences programmatically?

I am building an application based on DIAdem, and I want to test and confirm that it will work within the feature limitations between DIAdem Base/Advanced/Professional editions.  What options exist (if any) that allow me to run my application (VBScript) within each of the different DIAdem editions?

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Message 1 of 2

Hi markwkiehl,


If you encapsulate all the functions in a VBS script, you can run your application in all editions.


But maybe this is of interest for you:

msgbox "Version: " & programversion

msgbox "Revision: " & programrevision

MsgBox "Build No: " & ProgramBuild

' since DIAdem 2010

msgbox "Version name: " & ProgramVersionName

' since DIAdem 2012

msgbox "atfx - DataPlugin Version: " & navigator.Settings.RegisteredDataPlugins("atfx").Version

' since DIAdem 2014

msgbox "Bitness: " & ApplicationBitness




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