02-25-2016 03:18 AM
How Can I detemine the row and column count of a table which is already existing in a Report?
02-25-2016 03:23 AM
Hello Sarry,
Please try d2TabRow and d2TabCol
02-25-2016 09:24 AM
Hi Sarry,
If you meant the total number of rows and columns in a table, here's your best approach:
TableName = "2D-TableName" Set Sheet = Report.Sheets(1) IF Sheet.Objects.Exists(TableName) THEN Set Table = Sheet.Objects(TableName) Cols = Table.Columns.Count Set Settings = Table.Settings.IndexSettings RowStart = Settings.IndexBegin RowStop = Settings.IndexEnd Rows = RowStop - RowStart + 1 MsgBox "Rows = " & Rows & vbCRLF & "Cols = " & Cols ELSE MsgBox "Could not find Table """ & TableName & """" END IF
Brad Turpin
DIAdem Product Support Engineer
National Instruments