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VB.NET wrapper for writing DIAdem files

I'm trying to write a wrapper class in VB.NET 2005 for the DIAdem Connectivity Library to write Diadem files within .NET code.
For example I've been successfull with



Function GetLibraryErrorDescription Lib "nilibddc.dll" Alias "DDC_GetLibraryErrorDescription" _
(ByVal errorCode As Integer) As IntPtr


Dim s as IntPtr = DIAdemConnLibWrapper.GetLibraryErrorDescription(deb)
MsgBox(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(s))      'output: error message

But after spending hours with the following declaration I am quite desperate:


Declare Ansi Function CreateFile Lib "nilibddc.dll" Alias "DDC_CreateFile" _
ByVal filePath As String, _
ByVal fileType As String, _
ByVal name As String, _
ByVal description As String, _
ByVal title As String, _
ByVal author As String, _
ByVal DDCFileHandle As IntPtr) As Integer


result = DIAdemConnLibWrapper.CreateFile(str1, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, myIntPtr)

The arguments (filename and so on) are correct, because using them in a native C-Application works very well. After this call, result is -6202, saying there were invalid arguments. I've tried Ansi/Auto/Unicode in the declaration, StringBuilder as type (even when strings should be OK, according to the MSDN), ByRef/ByVal and different marshalling instructions like <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)>. I always get the same error.

Has anyone ever done a successfull wrapping of the DLL in .NET? What's wrong with my code?

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Message 1 of 7
Hello Stjag!
Just change
ByVal DDCFileHandle As IntPtr
ByRef DDCFileHandle As IntPtr
because it is an output parameter.
Matthias Alleweldt
Project Engineer / Projektingenieur
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7
Thank you,
now the file has been created physically. The next problem is that


Ansi Function DDC_SaveFile Lib "nilibddc.dll" _
ByRef DDCFileHandle As IntPtr) As Integer

or any other function needing a filehandle returns -6202 ( "An invalid file handle was passed to the library. ")  although the filehandle IntPtr gets changed by DDC_CreateFile!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7
Hello Stjag!
It is a good idea to have a look at the C declarations in 'nilibddc.h' before converting and undestand the difference between values/pointers and ByVal/ByRef
For DDC_CreateFile it looks like this:
int __stdcall DDC_CreateFile (const char *filePath,
                              const char *fileType,
         const char *name,
         const char *description,
         const char *title,
         const char *author,
         DDCFileHandle *file);
This results in VB.NET in:
Declare Ansi Function CreateFile Lib "nilibddc.dll" Alias "DDC_CreateFile" _
ByVal filePath As String, _
ByVal fileType As String, _
ByVal name As String, _
ByVal description As String, _
ByVal title As String, _
ByVal author As String, _
ByRef DDCFileHandle As IntPtr) As Integer
For DDC_SaveFile it is:
int __stdcall DDC_SaveFile (DDCFileHandle file);
This sholud result in this VB.NET Code:
Declare Ansi Function SaveFile Lib "nilibddc.dll" Alias "DDC_SaveFile" _
(ByVal DDCFileHandle As IntPtr) As Integer
It is essential that DDC_CreateFile changes the handle because this is the identfier for the specific file! It is allowed to open several file at a time. Therfore you have to give e.g. to DDC_SaveFile an identifier to the file you want to save.
Matthias Alleweldt
Project Engineer / Projektingenieur
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Thank you very much for your explanation, it's working now! Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Hello I have most of the nilibddc.dll working with VB.NET but I do not get any data saved to my TDMS after calling DDC_SetDataValues.

Are there any good samples for doing this from VB.NET?

I create the Group, Channel, then pass a pointer to an array of double to DDC_SetDataValues.  But my TDMS file has 0 points saved under the channel and I get no errors.


Declare Ansi Function SetDataValues Lib "nilibddc.dll" Alias "DDC_SetDataValues" _
(ByVal channelHandle As IntPtr,
ByVal values As IntPtr,
ByVal numValues As UIntPtr) As Integer 'numbvalues is size_t


''The call

Dim values() As Double = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Dim iptr As IntPtr
iptr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(Of Double) * values.Length)
Marshal.Copy(values, 0, iptr, values.Length)
result = SetDataValues(channelHandle, iptr, 5)

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Message 6 of 7

This article is really amazing. Thanks for the sharing. HCA Rewards Login

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Message 7 of 7