05-25-2016 09:32 PM
Hello all! I hope someone can help me with my problem with Diadem and VBScript
In the `Class TelltaleCycle` the private variable `p_FunctionType` is modified for the first time in `Public Property Let TimestampCh(value2let)` and then it is accessed in `Public Property Get HowManyPeriods`. Although this variable should hold the value written in the `Public Property Let TimestampCh(value2let)` it is read as empty in `Public Property Get HowManyPeriods`. I can not figure out why of this behavior!
In the `Class BeltminderCycle` Im doing almost the same thing and it is working as expected.
PS: becareful while reading my code because the variable name `p_FunctionType` is used in other class as well.
This such class is in Seatbelt_Library.vbs and the main code is attached. I also attached the TDM file with the channels used in the code to help debugging if necessary.
Thanks in advance!
05-27-2016 02:46 AM
Make the script debuggable you need to add the tdm related tdx file too. Else the tdm file is not loadable.
Maybe adding
at some points might help you to find the issue.
Option Explicit class CPropTest public property get abc() if isempty(abc_) then abc_ = 1 end if abc = abc_ end property public property let abc(dVal) abc_ = dVal end property Public Property Get abcTwice dim abc : abc = 7 abcTwice = me.abc + me.abc end Property Private Sub Class_Initialize() abc_ = empty End Sub private abc_ end class dim propTest : set propTest = new CPropTest dim txt : txt = "" txt = txt & propTest.abc & VBCRLF propTest.abc = 17 txt = txt & propTest.abc & VBCRLF txt = txt & propTest.abcTwice & VBCRLF MsgBox txt