At the new client.. no shock to many of you I "Get around"
I explained to some of my new compadres the DAQmx "Tasks" need to be created once.... Preferably during development!
I even created a new task in MAX using the DAQmx wizard, Dragged it to the LabVIEW project explorer and all of that!
I even went so far as to name the "AUX" temperature channel "armpit"- Trust me, after 5 minutes delivering a .lvproj based on the "Contineous measuement and logging (DAQmx) project template" it was impressive to the client that the plot "armpit" showed 37C on the chart. Guess where the thermocouple was.
So, Because I am that amazing, I showed them that they could Drag-n-Drop the Task to MAX and use MAX to monitor my armpit temperature. I even showed them that MAX could show them the wiring diagram!
"HOLD IT"! they said, The wiring diagram is right there! On SCREEN! per channel!
That is where I just about lost my mind! They wanted to see this connection diagram for another Channel--- that worked! BUT there was no way to output that wonderful data!
"Can I create a Wiring Diagram for this channel, device or task?" were the next words out of their mouths. I WAS STUNNED! "Not today" I said, "I'll post that excellent idea!"
"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay