05-24-2011 03:59 AM
Hello, I need some help to write in a digital output.
I've an array datos[5], and a I've create a digital output like as:
Then I start the task(what I created previusly):
And then I write:
But all of that doesn't work.
What I want to do is if I have an array "datos" who values are "0,0,1,0,1",
the first 0 writes in the line0, the second 0 in the line1,...,the last 1 in the line4.
I'm programming in C language, and I've seen the Refence C of NI-DAQmx.
How I can to do this?
05-25-2011 02:39 AM
Hello Haiza,
You have written correctly the sequence of instructions, so it must works. The only thing is strange for me is that you have specified 0 instead on NULL or a var reference, the seventh parameter of DAQmxWriteDigitalLines.
I attach an example from NI-DAQmx driver. Compare with your code and look for your mistake.
Good luck.
05-25-2011 06:32 AM
First of all I wanted to thank your quick answer, and tell you what I had a NULL value but I changed to 0. I'll change it again xD
I've a problem with the hardware, When I have arranged, I'll try the code
06-06-2011 03:53 AM
Hello, Sendia!!
I still have the problem with de DO and de Analog Inputs.
The digital writes works perfect, but when I go to read the analog inputs doesn't works.
The problem is that AnalogInput always print 0.000 when it shouldn't be because the sensor value is 2.3 (for example)
My code:
TaskHandle task;
DAQmxCreateDIChan(task,"Dev1/port0/line0:4","",DAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines); //To check the digital writes
for(i=0;i<3;i++) //This is to choose between the multiplexors
for(j=0;j<8;j++)//to choose the sensors. Each multiplexor has a 8 sensors
error = salida_digital(task,i,j);
entrada_analogica(taskAnalog,i,j); //In this function I've used readAnalog