09-08-2016 02:08 PM
For several projects, I've used a NI-9476 to directly actuate solenoids, taking advangtage of the hardware-timed channels (the 2kHz rate was fine, but wouldn't want to go lower than 1kHz). It appears that you cannot place multiple 9476 modules in a chassis and trigger/synchronize their outputs. Can someone confirm?
If that is the case, what is next best option to have more than 32 hardware-timed digital outputs (at ~1kHz)? Sourcing current would be great, but if need-be, I can place circuity in between the module(s) and solenoids. Thanks.
09-09-2016 10:20 AM
Hi Joe,
Give this KB a read, it goes over how many HW-timed tasks you can run per chassis/module and why.
In your case, channel expansion might help. Just configure the channels from both modules to be one task.
09-13-2016 08:33 AM
Hi Ren,
Thanks for the reply.
To be clear, are you saying that I can place two 9476 modules in a multi-module chassis (like a cDAQ-9174), and create a single task that writes to both module's outputs?
I simulated it in MAX and it seemed to work. I guess I assumed that this wasn't possible since the 9476 exposes no routing, and lists no start trigger types. Thanks.
09-14-2016 03:59 PM
Hi Joe,
Yes, I believe that is what Ren is saying. The channel expansion article that Ren pointed you to outlines how to accomplish that and provides some caveats for each device.