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RT target. DAQmx device cannot be accessed from Startup VI

Hello everyone,


I was looking for the Analog I/O section to post this question but did not find it. I would appreciate if you could move it to the right section.


I have this very simple VI called , that reads from 11 different analog pins of the NI 9220 device and put them in an array that is displayed with an indicator.

If I run this VI remotely, with the, I can access the device and perform acquisition with no error, but if I do so by enabling the VI as a startup VI as from Configuring Startup VIs on LabVIEW Real-Time Targets Without Application Builder - NI  I receive the following error:


code: -201003 

DAQmx Timing (Sample Clock).vi:4730001<append>
<B>Device Specified: </B>Mod5

<B>Task Name: </B>AIs


Code -201003 has the following meaning:


Error -201003 occurred at an unidentified location

Possible reason(s):

Device cannot be accessed. Possible causes:
Device is no longer present in the system.
Device is not powered.
Device is powered, but was temporarily without power.
Device and/or chassis driver support may have been removed.
Device is damaged.
Ensure the device is properly connected and turned on. Ensure the device and/or chassis is supported in the current version of the driver. Check the device's status in NI MAX. Turn the computer off and on again. If you suspect that the device is damaged, contact National Instruments at


Lately, I have updated the RT System Image from the 20.5 to the 2022 Q3, I am using a Linux RT Image. I cannot recall if I had this type of issue before but I would appreciate if you can spot the source of this error I get.



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