Digital I/O

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Two different DAQ device triggering

i want to triggering (synchronizing) Two different DAQ device (PCIE 6321 and PCIE 6351).

PCIE 6321 connets to 1 photodiode and PCIE 6351 connets to 2 photodiode.

In more detail, i want to start measuring PCIE 6351 when PCIE 6321 start measuring. (PCIE 6321 measure start -> trigger from PCIE 6321 act as trigger input to PCIE 6351 -> start measure PCIE 6351).

In my opinion, i need to connecting correlated digital channel to PFI 0/P1.0 (in each two DAQ) and connect to two daq's PFI 0/P1.0 together in BNC 2110.

Am i right?




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Message 1 of 4

A few comments:


1.  It isn't clear what exact measurements you intend.  I haven't done photodiode measurements but have been in numerous related threads here and such measurements are usually done with counters rather than "regular" digital acquisition


2. You use the term "correlated digital" which is a term typically reserved for M-series (62xx) devices which didn't have their own internal timing engine available for acquisition.  Your X-series (63xx) devices do have an internal timing engine for digital, so you wouldn't need to limit yourself to "correlated digital".  However, also, you'll probably want to use counter tasks rather than digital anyway as previously stated in #1 above.


3. You can use external connections of timing signals to PFI0 (or another PFI terminal...) on both devices to help with sync.  The exact kinds of connections and config will depend on the exact measurements you're doing and the nature of the sync you need.


4. In the longer run, it can be handy to connect the 2 PCIe devices *internally* with a RTSI cable, allowing the devices to share various timing signals without the need for external wiring.



-Kevin P

ALERT! LabVIEW's subscription-only policy came to an end (finally!). Unfortunately, pricing favors the captured and committed over new adopters -- so tread carefully.
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Message 2 of 4

I use DAQ for digitization of analog input from output of photodiode.

And i want to two DAQ sync. In my question, Corresponding digital channels means digital trigger I/O channels need to connect to each PFI 0 / P1.0 BNC channel for to send and receive trigger signal (digital I/O) by BNC channel (PFI 0 / P1.0 - Only part of connecting to two DAQ)


sorry for ambiguous question


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Message 3 of 4

Just connect and configure Real-Time System Integration (RTSI)

Then you can run DAQmx Multidevice Synchronization with PCI Synchronization Using the Reference Clock

You can replace analog tasks with digital tasks to synchronize only digital tasks from two devices.

To synchronize analog and digital tasks, configure the digital task to use AI sample clock.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 4 of 4