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USB 8452 stuck in RAW mode

Ive got a USB 8452 and trying to use it to read data from a digital eccelometer.
Ive installed and updated the drivers multiple times but the device is still showing RAW mode


in matlab the line: instrhwinfo('ni845x')

returnes the error:
Error using instrhwinfo
Invalid INTERFACE specified. Type 'instrhelp instrhwinfo' for a list of valid INTERFACEs.


and in Labview , itried using the read/write examples but im getting back an ED bit when tring to ping the device.

The USB light is on and on labview the status light blinked when starting the examples with the correct settings.


also right clicking on the device in NI max doesnt give any options
GPT suggest that the PC doesnt apply the drivers correctly to the device but no suggested method help so far

does anyone has a lead/ exipenced a similar problem? 

thanks a lot 🙂



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