Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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Setting Input Resistance on the PXI-4071 using nimi-Python for niDMM

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The LabVIEW NIDMM Property Node will set the input resistance on the NI 4071 to >10GOhms.

Using the following, does NOT 


import pyvisa
import nidmm
import time

NI4071 = nidmm.Session("NI4071")
NI4071.configure_measurement_digits(nidmm.Function.DC_VOLTS, 10, 7.5)
NI4071.input_resistance = 1000000000.0
NI4071.settle_time = 2

for i in range(1, 10001):
t = (str(NI4071.get_dev_temp()))
print(str(i) +', ' + t + ', ' + str(


Using SFP, I can set the input resistance as needed. {see photo}

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Message 1 of 10

NI I/O Trace of Python script.

6. niDMM_SetAttributeViReal64 (NI4071 (0x00000002), "", NIDMM_ATTR_INPUT_RESISTANCE (0x00118C4D), 1E+10)
Process ID: 0x00002914 Thread ID: 0x00001E84
Start Time: 13:51:27.0502 Call Duration 00:00:00.0000
Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)


Sure looks like it set the attribute . . .

Now I wonder why SFP gives different readings between 10Meg and >10G?


27. niDMM_Read (NI4071 (0x00000002), -1 (0xFFFFFFFF), 9.922156 (9.922156E+00))
On >10G 9.925564

Hmmmm . . .


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Message 2 of 10

Please share NI IO Trace capture to ensure your python configurations are reflected.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 3 of 10

So, it does look like the 10G input resistance is indeed configured, please compare the SFP's IO Trace and replicate to obtain the same results.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 4 of 10

TEST program

NI4071.input_resistance = 10000000000.0
for i in range(1, 11):
t = (str(NI4071.get_dev_temp()))
print(str(i) +', ' + t + ', ' + str(
NI4071.input_resistance = 1000000.0
for i in range(1, 11):
t = (str(NI4071.get_dev_temp()))
print(str(i) +', ' + t + ', ' + str(


TRACE calls

Hi Ohms niDMM_SetAttributeViReal64 (NI4071 (0x00000002), "", NIDMM_ATTR_INPUT_RESISTANCE (0x00118C4D), 1E+10)
Lo Ohms niDMM_SetAttributeViReal64 (NI4071 (0x00000002), "", NIDMM_ATTR_INPUT_RESISTANCE (0x00118C4D), 1E+10)

Same call gave same readings, from quite different code instructions. Looks like a bug; walks like . . .

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Message 5 of 10

"So, it does look like the 10G input resistance is indeed configured, please compare the SFP's IO Trace and replicate to obtain the same results. "

NOPE, they are not the same:

Choose 10Meg and DMM SFP calls for "1E+07"

Choose >10GOhms and DMM SFP calls for "1E+10"

And there is a difference in the measurements.


Hello Marcos . . .

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

The attached text file shows 3 calls to configure NIDMM_ATTR_INPUT_RESISTANCE:


6. niDMM_SetAttributeViReal64 (NI4071 (0x00000002), "", NIDMM_ATTR_INPUT_RESISTANCE (0x00118C4D), 1E+10)

24. niDMM_SetAttributeViReal64 (NI4071 (0x00000002), "", NIDMM_ATTR_INPUT_RESISTANCE (0x00118C4D), 1E+10)

87. niDMM_SetAttributeViReal64 (NI4071 (0x00000002), "", NIDMM_ATTR_INPUT_RESISTANCE (0x00118C4D), 1000000.000000 (1.000000E+06))


Your test program only shows two. There are other inconsistencies. I don't think the attached text files corresponds exactly with the test program.


Would you mind attaching a full Python test program that reproduces the issue, and the exact I/O Trace calls emerging from that?


My guess given the information provided is that you are running into a reconfiguration bug in the 4072 driver and can be worked around simply, but I am not sure yet.

Marcos Kirsch
Chief Software Engineer
NI Driver Software
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10
Accepted by topic author Sparks!
Hi Marcos and thread,
Well, the only difference between the code {below 09.40.07} that ‘worked’ and the prior submission was the use of ‘1e+10’ instead of 10000000000.0
Then I tested using ‘10000000000.0’ and that worked (of course it would. {trace: 09.40.42) so perhaps removing code unrelated to this test?? I’ll check.
AND, the code {10.08.43} that combined the VDC reading and the thermistor did not set the input_resistance to >10GOhms.
That is a new can of worms, so I’ll post the code that worked and the trace with a ‘caution’ that there is work-in-progress . . . .
Thanks to all for your support,


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10
Accepted by topic author Sparks!

Put in YOUR for-loop:

NI4071.input_resistance = 1e+10

Volts71 = str(


That works for me in a script that accesses two meters: one for DC_VOLTS and the other for TEMPERATURE. Use the 'Volt71' as needed, change the name etc.


WHEW . . .

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10
Accepted by topic author Sparks!

I looked at one of the screenshots (!) of your code. The forum supports codeblocks, much better.


import pyvisa
import nidmm
import time

## (Marcos) It's best practice to use the context manager (`with` statement)
## so that your session is automatically closed.
NI4071 = nidmm.Session("NI4071")
NI4071.configure_measurement_digits(nidmm.Function.DC_VOLTS, 10, 7.5)

## (Marcos) After calling configure_measurement_digits, the driver will handle
## all the low level settings in order to accomplish 7.5 digits. Don't set those
## yourself you are unlikely to get the desired results.

# (Marcos) This is non sensical. You aren't setting the value of the property.

# (Marcos) This is non sensical. You aren't setting the value of the property.

NI4071.settle_time = 2

# (Marcos) This is non sensical. You aren't setting the value of the property.

# (Marcos) If you use read(), then don't initiate(). Just call read().
# initiate() is typically used with triggering and/or multi-point or waveform 
# modes.

NI4071 input_resistance = 1e+07
print (NI4071.input_resistance)

for i in range(1, 2):
   print(str(i) +', ' + str(

NI4071.input_resistance = 1e+10
print (NI4071 input_resistance)
for i in range(1, 2):
   print(str(i) +', ' + str(



Marcos Kirsch
Chief Software Engineer
NI Driver Software
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Message 10 of 10