Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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Switch Scanning with DMM - Handshaking Example vi Fail

NI Example vi 'Switch  Scanning with DMM - Handshaking '  fails with  Error -200477

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Hi Memco,


This example demonstrates how to scan a series of channels on a switch module and take measurements with an NI digital multimeter using handshaking.

This error code is returned because you haven’t specified anything on the Scan List input so the DAQmx Switch Create Scan List doesn’t know which channels to scan. This command should be something similar to this:

/SC1Mod1/ab0->com0 & com0->r0 & c0:31->r0;

This command will depend on the hardware you are using. If you look into the LabVIEW Help you can find a information on the correct syntax to use for this input.


Hope this helps,


Tica T

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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