Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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using ivi specific driver in MAX

i've written an IVI specific driver for a DMM and I want to create a new driver session under MAX which uses this specific driver. The problem is that my driver doesn't appear in the software tab of my session and, of course, it doesn't appear in the "advanced->instrument driver software modules" tree node as well. So I want to know how to register my driver in the system.
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It looks like you are adding an instrument driver to a device with a logical name in MAX. 

If you are using LabVIEW, install the instrument driver to the LabVIEW instr.lib directory. If you are using LabWindows/CVI, install the instrument driver to the CVI/instr directory. You can access instrument drivers from the instrument menus.

Now that you have an instrument driver, you can see it in Advanced->Instr driver soft modules.

If these suggestions do not solve your problem, please reply with information specific to the instrument driver you are using. Have a great day!

David D..
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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