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Je souhaite effectuer une rampe de tension 0-10V avec un Keithley 2410 pour piloter une alimentation Heinzinger LNC 10000-2-neg de 0 à 6000V. A partir de là je dois faire plusieurs mesures rapides.

La difficulté dans mon programme est de pouvoir effectuer en même temps:

     - la mesure de le tension réelle de l'Heinzinger via un multimètre Keithley 2000.

     - la mesure d'un courant via un picoamperemètre Keithley 6485

     - la rampe de tension via le keithley 2410 tout les 10V si possible

Toutes ces mesures à reproduire toutes les secondes. (environ 600 mesures par secondes et par appareil).

Est-ce possible et si non comment puis-je m'en rapprocher?


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Hi Gaël,


@Gaël12 wrote:

I want to perform a 0-10V voltage ramp with a Keithley 2410 to drive a Heinzinger LNC 10000-2-neg power supply from 0 to 6000V. From there I have to take several quick measurements.

The difficulty in my program is to be able to perform at the same time:

- the measurement of the real voltage of the Heinzinger via a Keithley 2000 multimeter.

- the measurement of a current via a Keithley 6485 picoamperemeter

- the voltage ramp via the keithley 2410 every 10V if possible

All these measurements to be reproduced every second. (approximately 600 measurements per second and per device).

Is it possible and if not how can I get closer to it?

Do all your devices even support this requested sample rate (with the desired accuracy)?


Btw. this is an English speaking forum, so please write your questions in English. Or use the French regional board

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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I hadn't seen that it was in english.


For the keithley 6485 :To IEEE-488 bus: 900 readings/second


For the keithley 2000 : 

       - MAX. INTERNAL TRIGGER RATE: 2000/s.


For the keithley 2410 : 0.01 / external 0.5ms


I have forgotten to tell the communication is with GPIB


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