DutLUG - Dutch LabVIEW Usergroup

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Meeting 09-09-2021

Hello everyone! 


This user group meeting will be in Eindhoven.


1. Luna Rijpert - Environment Monitoring met SystemLink met een Raspberry Pi


In the office building of VI Technologies there are various rooms with fluctuating temperature and humidity. To gain insight into these fluctuations, the Environment Monitoring with SystemLink assignment was created. The aim of this research is to create a system that measures the temperature, pressure etc. with LabVIEW, sends them to a server with SystemLink and then visually displays them with, for example, a webVI. For measuring the temperature, pressure etc. a Raspberry Pi is used. This presentation will show the results from this research.

This presentation will be held in Dutch.


2. Yannic RistersUnicode in LabVIEW - How to display foreign language characters


By default, LabVIEW does not support the usage of foreign language characters, like the ones used in Chinese and Japanese. One workaround is the application of Unicode. An introduction will be given on how to enable and use Unicode in LabVIEW. Furthermore, the pros and cons will be discussed.

This presentation will be held in English.


UPDATE >> Download the presentation slides here

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