01-13-2012 11:09 PM
We have installed all necessary software, images, and updates. However, our driver station is not displaying any images from the camera. We have ran the camera configuration tool and have tried the two different IP addresses. We have tried with camera plugged into router (robot radio) and have tried the enet port 2 of the crio. We used this camera last year for 2011 with no issues. Now it seems it is not working with the new software. Any ideas as to why?
01-15-2012 01:30 PM
Hey SparkEngineer,
Not sure whats going on with the driver station displaying images. I would try to go through this Tutorial:https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-14725 or load up one of the Vision examples (form Help->Find Examples-> FRC Robotics-> Vision) and see if those methods works for you to try and narrow down what is causing the issue. Post back if you have questions on any of those examples.
01-15-2012 07:06 PM
Thanks for responded Kevin. We finally found the problem. By running a new Dashboard project we were able to see the images. We still haven't tried to build and deploy the Dashboard Project on the Driver Station. We will try that next. Seems like the initial Dashboard Update had some kind of issue with the camera images.
01-15-2012 08:54 PM
I think I ran into the same issue. Did you make any changes to the dashboard code, or it was enough to run the project unchanged?
01-15-2012 09:26 PM
Just running the Dashboard Project unchanged worked. I was able to deploy it on the Driver Station and everything looks great.
01-18-2012 02:09 PM
There is a bug in the Setup Axis Camera tool. Configuring an Axis 206 camera works until you cycle the camera power. Then it no longer communicates. Attached is a fix. We will also include this in an FRC Utilities Update if we have one. If you want to replace your existing Setup Axis Camera tool, it is located in \Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2011\project\Axis Camera Tool